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Which Came First?

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Scott Moss
July 9, 2020

No, I'm not asking about the chicken or the egg. We all know the answer to that one. I'm referring to when a small business is ready to scale, what should the business leader do first. Hire an experienced sales professional or develop a strategic sales plan?

Fear not, all hopeless wonders! It just so happens that I've got some insight to share on that topic.

Last week, Tim Kilroy of the New England Kilroy's, by way of a pitcher's mound in South Bend, asked me to participate in a webinar with him. In what at times resembled a poorly executed Abbott & Costello stand-up routine, we broached both sides of what one should do first. We also reviewed the mechanics of how to actually go about implementing the choice made. You can watch it right here and download the presentation deck below. BTW, it was an itch. LOL.

Kilroy M Sales Webinar Deck Final

Download PDF

If you have some thoughts to contribute on this subject, I'd love to hear them. Please keep 'em constructive. If you know someone who may find this interesting, send it on. And, at some point today, ask yourself what you are doing to Achieve Greatness.